Saturday, June 28, 2008

Lets get started

The moment I got home I went on to eBay and purchased a Clymer manual.  While doing my research of the bikes, I came across BMW websites that suggested getting this bible right away.  I ordered the book for a total of $42.17, and decided I would not do any work until it arrived, (Yeah Right).  

I took the bike out today for a short test ride, and the first thing I noticed wrong besides what was told to me during the test ride, is the odometer was not advancing as I rode it around the neighborhood.

What GIVES???

Today I also decided that I would keep a spreadsheet of all maintenance and parts order to show a running total if I ever needed to sell it.

I also decided to use delicious bookmarks to store all my favorite online resources which is a very long list up to this point.

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